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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Enter For Your Chance to Get a FREE Baby Gate or Bed Rail

Thank you all for helping me to win a FREE baby gate or bed rail from Regalo Baby.  My children are too old for a baby gate or a bed rail so I am giving it away to one lucky fan.  Please enter to win your choice of a baby gate or a bed rail.  I will be picking a winner at 12 a.m. EST TONIGHT so you have a little over 3 hours to enter.  Good luck everyone!


  1. (fingers crossed) I have a curious crawler and have been desperately needing to buy a gate! Awesome giveaway!

  2. Thanks for the opportunity. I need the gate badly, my granddaughter just turned 1 and will soon be into everything.

  3. I could absolutely use the bed rail!

  4. the bed rail would be awesome my 3 yrold son just moved into a twin(he outgrew the toddler bed) and he is on the floor a lot, hope i win

  5. My neice is expecting and due in October. This would be a great gift for her!

  6. I'm actually wrangling her on my bed right now!!! HELP!!!!

  7. i shared the link on my facebook page but keeps showing me an error and wont go thru :( in hopes of winning...with 4 kiddos to keep together :)

  8. I'm disabled, and my 17 month old can get up the stairs faster than me. I have zip ties holding my current gate together. Please, I would greatly appreciate that gate!!!
