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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cori's Coupon Corner is Now Offering Private Couponing Workshops

After much coaxing from friends and fans alike, I have decided to start offering private couponing workshops in the South Florida (North Broward/South Palm Beach) area.  I will walk you step by step on how to get the best deals at grocery and drug stores as well as teach you lots of tips and tricks.  Many of my fans that I know in person have said it is much easier for them to "get it" when I am there explaining it to them and showing them.  If you are interested, would like to host a private workshop, etc. please e-mail me at CouponCornerCori at gmail dot com for more details. Thank you all for your support in this new adventure! 

Much love to my fans,
Cori :)

ETA~ I was thinking that my first few workshops would be small, intimate classes for people and their friends at their own home, office, etc. but I am open to other suggestions.  Please feel free to share your ideas!


  1. will you only do them in a public venue or possibly if someone hosted one in their home?

  2. I would do it at someone's home for a group of friends as long as it isn't too far from home. I was actually thinking about starting off at homes until I can find a free/inexpensive venue. Plus friends are always more fun! ;)

  3. I would like more Thanks!
